We focus on delivering the network and tools you need to best serve your students. Whether it’s professional development, best practices, or idea sharing, the You-Me team will be there to support you. When your school become member of You-Me Global Education platform, every staff and faculty member of your school – from teachers, trustees and students – gains access to all of our resources to help stay at the forefront of the industry.

Benefits For School

  • We provide secure and encrypted internet service connection to all of our members schools
  • We will provide a customized and rigged tablet with a digital capable pen to every teacher for school activities only
  • We provide a built and customized data base for the school with 24/7 access
  • We will provide the ability for school run online 100% in critical time such as COVID19
  • We provide a built and customized digital back end portal platform for every school
  • We provide a built and customized website for every school
  • We help every school reduce by up to 35 percent of their annual expenses
  • We provide an incentive program for teachers (paid 100%by You-Me Global)
  • We provide free advertisement on on different platforms including on You-Me medias for all of the schools member.
  • The best teachers and principals of the year will attend our annual conference organized every year in the United States
  • We take care of all travel expenses except the fare ticket for best teachers of the year who will be selected to attend our 3 days annual conference in the United State.
  • We provide a built and customized virtual library which include all the school recommended books for every school
  • Teachers will have tutoring channels on the You